Just me and myself. Defining my thoughts ... walking on a pathless path … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I tried to find answers.

I spoke with myself for many months in a row.

Then i started to learn the art of defining.

The huge mistake i did was that ... in one point, analyzing and defining ... i amplified everything too much.

I took all that happened too seriously ... not realizing that i was defining an illusion ... seeing the small details ... but not understanding the whole picture of what was going on.

I was writing hundreds of pages, believing i understand what is going on with my life.

Later on ... i discovered the concept of ... the message behind the message ... and i understood that all i see in my life, even if i define it so good and looks so real ... is only something illusory.

The real message the Universe whispered to me ... was a very simple one .. and i had no clue what was going on.

I was prisoner in a cage full with all kinds of details ... but had no idea that those details were only encrypted messages ... that i did not even knew that they existed.

It was me and myself ... in that cage ... and maybe the typewriter.

All of us ... had something to say ... but it all became a journey on a pathless path.

Contradictory ideas were coming.


Defining my thoughts, writing them down, believing that i found the

absolute truth ... but the next day realizing it’s all a misunderstanding ... it became a new way of living.

Then i discovered that ... i can redefine everything.

Defining was the beginning of the process i needed to follow in life, but redefining my life was actually what i had to do ... cause i just did not liked my life.












Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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