A certain type of personality is not who we really are. So ... we can disconnect from anything ... and become even the opposite of who we've used to be … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I've found on social media ... the story of a lady ... claiming ... "I've used to be a pastor .... Now i am a stripper".

It was ... shocking.

But ... looked like a real story.

... all being so, so contradictory.

Yes ...

In total contradiction with the dogma.

And ... the next question came into my mind was ... could i really do something so, so weird?!

Could i step into the unknown?!

... totally abandon the one ... i am today.

It's easy to speak in theory ... but analysing my thoughts related with my own life scenario ... I realise ... i am not really ready for something similar.

But ... this lady was.



She had ... that courage.

It all looks like a weird ugly story.

About ... immorality.

Even about ... the angels and the devils from inside of us.

Somehow ... disliking everything related to the dogmatic thinking ... i accept and embrace such a behaviour.

Because ... i believe into the expression of who we really are.

I believe ... it's a must.

I believe in ... authenticity.

This lady ... was not feeling anymore that her place was ... at the church.

It was ... a story of her life.

But ... that story could not totally define who she really was or wants to be.

Deep inside her ... she really had some very weird desires.

... hided by everyone by a long, long time.

Until one day ... when she resigned from church .... disconnecting from all ... allowing herself to become someone else.

She embraced ... a new type of personality.

Which was indeed in total contradiction with the mission of a pastor ... but that was what she really wanted.

So ... she became a ... stripper.

For being a pastor ... she certainly had an inner calling.

But ... it was the same ... for being a stripper.

Using her sexuality.

Expressing it.

Allowing men to connect to her soul as a feminine spirit.

Allowing ... to be admired.




Most certainly ... it was a new way of touching the souls.

Bringing joy.

Another type of... joy.

Maybe ... more realistic.


So should we judge this lady?!

Or we should admire her for the courage of changing her profession ... and become someone totally different than she used to be.

I would say ... that the story itself is a ... motivational story.

I can't find in myself ... the power of doing whatever i want ... to do.

So ... I don't judge this lady.

I even admire her.

Most certainly ... her next profession could be ... motivational speaker ... and she could explain to everyone how she found the strength of ... becoming who she really wanted to be.


So ... what about you?!





Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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