How to Have a Miracle Without Being a Religious Nut

I think you can have a miracle happen in your life without being a religious nut. I have made miracles for myself and for people I care about.

**Logic defying events
I am talking about creating earth shaking logic defying events. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Fortunately I got it diagnosed early, so I was able to beat it. I have a miracle with my early diagnosis.

How did I get an "early diagnosis"?
One morning, I woke up with a big bad stomach ache. The next thing I knew, I was lying in the hospital emergency ward. The docs did exploratory surgery on me. I have a big bad zipper scar right up my tummy to prove it.

Two days latter, my surgeon informed me that I had a busted appendix. Secondly, he said that the biopsy showed cancer in the appendix. If I did not have that appendicitis, I probably would be starring at the wall now with cancer spreading throughout my body. More probably, I would be dead now, dancing with Mr. Rigor Mortis. I call this a miracle. You may call it good luck. Me, well when you are in a life and death situation, like I was, believe me, I have a miracle.

**Now I am healthy
Today I am looking and feeling like a picture of health. I believe God works in unpredictable ways. I think he used those docs to save me for some extra time on this earth. For what reason? I haven't a clue. I value my life on earth more. I am trying to be a better person. But, when all is said and done, who knows why some people get "the breaks", and others don't?

**You can't beat the power of the subconscious
I believe God, Supernatural Power, Deity or whatever you want to name it, uses the power of the subconscious mind to create many miracles.

The purpose of this article is not to argue or detail the mechanics of how miracles work. I don't pretend to know the answers to these wondrous things. Who cares.
Believe me, if you are on the receiving end of a big time miracle, the last thing on your mind is worrying about a scientific explanation of how "it works". I have a miracle !

**Push down the pedal
When you are going up against the big things in life that count, you really don't have the time or energy to theorize about what makes the engine work. You just want to push down the pedal and make things happen.

The same thing applies to just about anything that really matters in your life. You simply don't have the luxury to do a lot of "what ifs". You just go with what you got and hope you can make things work out. Maybe you can have a miracle on your hands.

**Keep it simple
When you are dealing with life and death issues, you surely want to keep things in their basic forms. You don't want too many frills or fluffs. And, for sure, you don't want to get too fancy. You simply don't want nor can you afford many distractions.

I learned the above wisdom from my eighteen day stay in the hospital. I was fighting radiation poisoning. Which means, continuous twenty four hour nausea and diarrhea. You guessed it. I dropped twenty five pounds without even trying.

My poor room mate kept yelling over to me, "Do you need some help over there?"

"No man, I don't need nothing, just give me an extra shot of that pain killer drug so that I can feel no pain." Well, isn't life grand? un cours en miracles france  I think I have a miracle on my hands.

**The doc said I'm hard core
My biggest compliment I received all year, was when the top doctor stopped by to visit with me on my last day at the hospital. He came into my room with his cute nurse. He introduced my to the nurse as a real "hard core" guy.

The nurse got a big laugh out of that. In fact she came back to talk with me after her boss left the room. Her ex boyfriend was a Marine just like I was years ago. We talked about Camp Pendleton.

Anyway, I am proud of myself because I didn't weenie out during my confrontation with the Grim Reaper. Yeah, some people thought I was going to die. I also caught pneumonia.

Like they say, "All is well that ends well." If you saw me now, you'd never guess I was near death's door a couple years ago. Oh yeah, I had carotid artery surgery 6 months ago. The Docs found a ninety per cent blockage in one of my carotid arteries. Yes I had the surgery and I am going 100 miles per hour today. I have a miracle.

**Here's a couple more miracles I have experienced recently.

Last year, I prayed for a friend who was experiencing some real financial challenges. Shortly thereafter, he informed me that both professionally and personally he has received incredible good fortune. He said his life couldn't be better.

I have another friend who has a terrible back problem. Recently I began praying and visualizing for her. And guess what? It now appears that some very hopeful medical solutions are coming on the horizon to help her relieve her pain.

I run, lift weights, swim and bike. Yes, I am in better shape now then I was forty years ago. Actually I am getting ready to kick butt and take on the World! I am not kidding. Don't get me wrong. Up to a few years ago, I have never been sick. Recently, I have been paying the price for smoking two packs of cigarettes per day for thirty five years.


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